Thursday, 11 July 2013

Pet peeves

I know for sure that everyone of us has pet peeves. You know these, little things that annoy you. Something that to others is not important but for you is a big deal.

Well I have a few pet peeves and a few of them are related to stamp collecting. You see I received a letter last week for a cover exchange. This means that I mean to keep the letter/cover because I have asked for a special stamp to be used. Imagine my disappointment when I saw that the sides of the envelope were covered in sticky tape. This person decided to "protect" the envelope by using sticky tape all around the sides. And to cover all sides too! For me, sticky tape on an cover makes the envelope look ugly. Why couldn't this person have used proper stiffener?

A couple of times I have used sticky tape on an envelope but it's usually just on the flap at the back to keep it secure. Or it may have been that I had sealed the envelope already and found out that I have forgotten to put something inside so I had to open it up again. I do try to do it nicely. And it wasn't for a cover exchange. But what this person did was just annoying.

Another thing is that when I get a letter that's been inspected by customs, there's always a "nice"green sticker/tape on the envelope that says so. Very kind of them to let me know. But I don't need it on the front of the envelope! And I don't want it on the stamp either! Really! Why couldn't they open it from the left side? Sometimes they even slit the stamp itself. Then they put sticky tape (again!) to seal it back and the green tape as well. Right on top of the stamps!

Example below is a parcel from Nepal. First the lower left corner was cut open. Then a big yellow tape was used to close one side up. And, not content, maybe because parts of the envelope had tears on it, they tried to save it by 'wrapping' it in sticky tape. The poor stamps are now all useless!

I guess you could say that the Customs people may not be aware that you collect stamps so they could be forgiven for doing that. But then I see some stamps that have been cancelled with a marker or a pen. Huh??? They couldn't afford a date stamp? Or is it too heavy to lift that they prefer to use a pen?

And speaking of cancellation, I once asked a post office clerk if he could please hand cancel the stamps on my letter because it is going to a collector. He looked at me. Frowned. And then said "Why do you need to do that when you can just drop the letter of in the mailbox?" I was shocked! Needless to say, I never went back there again - to buy stamps or anything else - even though it was the closest PO to my place.

So, tell me what ticks you off.

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