Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Orchids on stamps

My mailbox has been busy lately. I've been getting lots of mail from swaps with my fellow collectors.

This one is special as it is from one of the topics that I collect - orchids. And a mini-sheet too!

I love this stamp. It's so vibrant and colorful. Just beautiful. Like a real orchid. It reminds me of the orchids that my mum used to grow in our garden.

While the real thing is better than stamps, these have certain advantages. First and foremost is that you only need to find a nice album or stocksheet to put them in and preserve its beauty. No need for continuous watering or caring. Secondly, the flowers will be in bloom all year round so you can enjoy it anytime. Third, they won't take up as much space as the real plants. Though there have been thousands of orchids on stamps issued by different countries around the world, they would probably only take up one or two albums if you only collect used stamps.

In the same way that there are lots of orchid societies and orchid shows, so too there are orchid stamp collectors. I found this great article on orchid stamps by Nina Rach ( . Lots of information for those wanting to specialize in this topic.

Now I'd like to thank Radim for sending me this lovely cover.

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